1.- Count from 1 to 12 with this video. Ready?
2.- Let´s count our fingers and toes now.
3.- How about a story about numbers? How many things can we find out in the street?
4.- How many colours are there in a rainbow? Make a guess...
A blog in English for my Infants at the Blue School (Emilia Pardo Bazán Infant and Primary School - A Coruña - Spain)
1.- Count from 1 to 12 with this video. Ready?
2.- Let´s count our fingers and toes now.
3.- How about a story about numbers? How many things can we find out in the street?
4.- How many colours are there in a rainbow? Make a guess...
Can you say them in English? What is your favourite one?
1.- First watch this video to remember the colours:
2.- Let´s find the colours in this song:
3.- What´s your favourite colour? Look at what happened to Cookie when Lulu asked him:
4.- Now it´s time for some counting:
5.- Can you do these two online activities HERE and HERE?
6.- Finally, you can play this online game HERE.
You are the best!!! Well done!!!
1.- Firstly, take a look at this video to learn the names of some popular snacks.
What do you do every morning before going to school? Well, Cookie seems to have some difficulties with this. Shall we help him?
1.- First sing along and copy the actions: "This is the way".
2.- Time for a story. This time Steve oversleeps and he is late for school. Take a look:
3.- Finally, do you fancy a Liveworksheet? (click HERE).
Let´s see what happens when you get on the bus.
1.- Learn this song and do the actions: "The wheels on the bus"
1.- Watch this video to learn the names of different school objects.
2.- Now sing along this song: Where´s my bag? - Ready?
3.- Let´s play a guessing game now. Try to guess the school object before you can see it. Good luck!!!
En principio, comezamos un curso dentro da normalidade, sen restricións sanitarias de ningún tipo, o que vai facilitar moito o proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe. Aquí tedes unhas pequenas pautas para saber como se desenvolverá a clase de inglés.
Lembrade que poderedes seguir as actividades que se fan na aula de inglés a través deste blog, onde serán publicadas 2 veces á semana, concretamente os martes e mércores, que son os 2 días nos que os vosos fillos/as teñen inglés. Aquí atoparedes material de reforzo e ampliación a través de diversos recursos: vídeos, contos, cancións, xogos online... Así, no caso de que o voso fillo/a non asista a clase un día, poderedes ver o que se fixo ese día visitando esta páxina. Tamén podedes usala como reforzo do traballado na aula.
Welcome back to school!!!