I´m hungry, aren´t you? It´s time for my snack. Remember to always bring healthy snacks for break time. Cookie has problems to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food. Shall we help him?
1.- Firstly, take a look at this video to learn the names of some popular snacks.
2.- Now complete these worksheets (click HERE and HERE).
4.- Now a funny story with Steve and Maggie. This time Steve oversleeps and he has to do his morning routine very quickly because he is late for school. Take a look:
4.- Finally, do you fancy an online game? (click HERE).
Today we will meet Cookie the Cat and where he lives. He will keep us company through the whole year, helping us learn English, because it is the language he speaks.
What will we learn today? We will say "hello" and "hi".
And we will also learn the colour red and the numbers 1-2-3.
1.- This is Cookie´s treehouse. Can you see where he is?
2.- Let´s sing a song to say "HELLO":
3.- Take a look at this video to learn the colour RED.
Many of you walk to school because you live nearby, but some go by bus, with your friends. On the bus there are many things to see: the doors, the wipers, the horn, the driver, ... Let´s see what happens when you get on the bus.
1.- Learn this song and do the actions: "The wheels on the bus"
2.- Now complete these 2 interactive activities HERE and HERE.
3.- How about a story: "Charlie chick goes to school".
4.- Finally play this online game to remember the school objects HERE.
After revising the sanitary rules in the new normal, it is time to move on to the starter unit, titled Back to school. What have you got in your schoolbag? You probably have a pencil, a rubber, some crayons, plasticine, glue, a pair of scissors, ... How many of them can you remember in English? Let´s see...
1.- Watch this video to learn the names of different school objects.
2.- Now sing along this song. Ready?
3.- Let´s play a guessing game now. Try to guess the school object before you can see it. Good luck!!!
4.- Time for a story. Steve has to prepare all his school materials. Can you help him find them all?
5.- Finally, do this activity HERE : listen and click the correct object.
Now that we all know the sanitary rules, let´s begin with the starter unit: Back to school. Today we will revise the names of some school materials. What have you got in your schoolbag? Maybe a pencil, a rubber, a pair of scissors, glue, some crayons, plasticines, ... What else?
1.- Watch this video to learn the names of different school objects.
2.- Now put all your school supplies in front of you, and sing along this song. Be careful, you have to touch a different object in each verse. Ready?
3.- Let´s play a guessing game now. Try to guess the school object before you can see it. Good luck!!!
4.- Time for a story. Steve has to prepare all his school materials. Can you help him find them all?
5.- Finally, do this activity HERE : listen and click the correct object.
Now you know the importance of wearing your face mask, especially when we are indoors, so let´s meet Lucy and what she imagined the first time her mum told her about wearing one:
2.- Let´s meet MAKSMAN through this song.
3.- Finally, why don´t you try to make a picture of MASKMAN? It´s EASY-PEASY!!! Just use this template (you have to download it and print it) and feel free to draw it according to the video. You can also use a real mask and decorate it!
Now you know the importance of wearing your face mask, especially if you are indoors. I know it is a bit unconfortable, but its benefits are enormous.
Let´s see how to wear it.
1.- Remember how to put it on and take it off by watching these 2 videos:
2.- It´s time for a story now: Lucy´s mask.
3.- Finally, let´s meet MASKMAN through this song.
4.- Why don´t you try to make a picture of MASKMAN? It´s EASY-PEASY!!! Just use this template (you have to download it and print it) and feel free to draw it according to the video. Or you can also use a real mask and decorate it!
Durante el período de adaptación, los alumnos/as de 3 años no empezarán las clases de inglés. Por lo tanto, no se publicarán recomendaciones de actividades en este blog. Comenzaremos a finales de septiembre.
O voso fillo/a empeza a súa andaina no cole por primeira vez, e todo son nervios e inseguridades. Dende aquí queremos transmitirvos calma e tranquilidade. Aquí tedes tedes unhas pautas sobre como vai ser a aprendizaxe da lingua inglesa este curso.
Todas as actividades que fagamos na aula de inglés serán publicadas 2 veces á semana neste blogue. Así, se un día o voso fillo/a non asiste a clase, podedes consultar o que se fixo nesta páxina. Tamén pode servir de reforzo do traballado na aula. Só tedes que clicar na pestana que pon 3-YEAR-OLDS.
Lembrade que durante o período de adaptación non se impartirá clase de inglés, así que empezaremos a publicar a finais de setembro.
Preséntasenos un curso similar ao pasado, no que teremos que seguir coas normas sanitarias fronte ao covid 19, pero queremos transmitirvos calma e ánimo. Aquí tedes unhas pequenas pautas para saber como se desenvolverá a clase de inglés.
Lembrade que poderedes seguir as actividades que se fan na aula de inglés a través deste blogue, onde serán publicadas 2 veces á semana. Así, no caso de que o voso fillo/a non asista a clase un día, poderedes ver o que se fixo ese día visitando esta páxina. Tamén podedes usala como reforzo do traballado na aula. Só tedes que clicar na pestana que pon 4-YEAR-OLDS.
Estamos ante un novo curso, cheos de ganas e ilusión, pero no que desafortunadamente temos que seguir coas medidas sanitarias fronte ao covid 19. Mesmo así, queremos transmitirvos calma e moito ánimo. Aquí tedes unhas pequenas pautas para saber como se desenvolverá a clase de inglés.
Lembrade que todas as actividades de aula serán publicadas 2 veces á semana neste blogue, así que no caso que que o voso fillo/a falte a clase podedes seguir voluntariamente o que se fixo ese día consultando esta páxina. Só tedes que clicar na pestana que pon: