Monday, December 19, 2016


So this is Christmas... Without realizing, the most magical time of the year is here once again!!! Remember to put up your Christmas tree with your favourite decorations: baubles, bells, candy canes, tinsel, lights and the star on top. And don´t forget to be good, Santa is watching!!!
Merry Chrsitmas to you all!!!

Friday, December 16, 2016


Today we have gone to see a play in English. It was titled "Jungle fever" by the company Face2Face. It was fantastic! It was about a jungle girl with a friend called Oscar Ostrich who went fishing one day and a lion stole their fish and...  Too much information... Why don´t you have a look at the photos to get an idea?
Very many thanks to the Parents´ Association for financing the play one more year!!! We really appreciate it!!!